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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • ..Well what a bad time for me to reply >_< *Just read CC thread* I really hope you're doing alright with that.. I'm no good at this.. Hence why I don't reply to CC threads really.. x.x
    Well.. No.. not really much of any TV for me.. House, Top Gear.. Uh.. That's all really. Balls of Steel might count but can only get that on Youtube because I live in a suck country. Bit of Robot Chicken which is ideal at 15 minutes, generally my attention span doesn't let me watch anything anyway~
    If it's his second wife surely it'd be your half brother/sister?

    Probably not a great situation to be pedantic, but...
    That really can't help that people at school are being such wankers to you =/

    ...I think you need more old men.
    ...I don't really know what to say about that >w< I'm really sorry, RT. *hugs you and the old man*

    And don't apologise.
    Yes :3

    Sorry, I thought you thought I was doing the ABOFAL thing where Hugh says "...if you'll pardon the pun", and Stephen says "what pun?" and Hugh says "wasn't there a pun? Oh, sorry". And possibly the other way round sometimes, but I couldn't be sure.
    Heck yes! Or at least record our conversations for all posterity. I seriously should scan that drawing of E when I get a chance. ^^
    Heck yes. Candy bars always taste better either frozen rock solid, or melty. =3
    Yay! Twix bars taste even better (somehow) if you put them in the freezer and they turn rock-hard. If only because I like gnawing on stuff. =D
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