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  • It wasn't a joke. D: I'm sorry, it's just... I love teasing people about that. Maybe it's because if it were me I wouldn't be offended. I guess some people just can't laugh at themselves...!

    Is that image supposed to be a giant "X"?
    I would've thought anytime I begin something with "*pokes with skewer*", it'd be apparent that what comes afterward can't be serious.

    Anyways... You have fallen into my trap! Oh you silly, foolish fanboys! You never learn! But now I know your secret! Kekeke...

    (By the way, there's nothing wrong with being gay. I just thought you might like to know. It's just as bad as racism if you say hurtful things about them, along with the entire LGBT community. Their sexuality isn't hurting anyone.)
    Well, obviously someone thinks they're funny, otherwise they wouldn't be all over the internet. But as far as creativity goes, they require absolutely no thought. Puns are more inventive, and they're commonly known as the lowest form of comedy. Memes aren't my cup of tea, anyways.
    Internet memes are only "funny" because they get repeated over and over again. At least, that's why they're supposed to be funny. I swear, if hear one more "so i herd u liek mudkipz", I'll strangle someone. Or not. But I will get annoyed.

    Lolcats and the like are often held in the same regard, but honestly, they do sometimes have comedic value. That is, when I can actually decipher some of the lolcats. Chatspeak can get pretty cryptic! :o But really, why can't they use proper English? Or do they not know it? -_- Either way, a truly funny lolcat doesn't need a caption.
    Aw, no, that's not what I meant. I've got this aversion to internet memes, you see, so I was implying that you must think I'm pretty shallow to use one (no offense). It was a joke, really.

    Why does everyone take me so... literally? Well, that's what I get for being so not-literal. XP
    Wow, you must not think very highly of me. D: No, it's not an internet meme, it's Awkward Zombie.

    (And if you didn't get the joke, you can't kill something twice)
    I just got back from a sudden visit to Krispy Kreme, so sorry for taking so long to reply.
    And I'm fine thank you.
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