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  • Yup. 'Least they're cheap Pokémon. :D

    I have something that I'll probably give to you on Saturday. I guess it's what I'm getting you?

    I desperately nead approved as a ref so I can do quick e-reffing and get monies! (Darksong, Cryptica and Alruanne are all May 3rd and I have $3 :O)
    Heh. Well, I've been here a while, so I know a few peopkle, and I already knew Scyther from a different forum, then the rest of the people I just know from wandering around.

    Em... most of what I want is expensive, but I do want a female Zigzagoon or a Bronzor. Thanks. About time for your birthday presents. :O

    EDIT: Name change. :o
    There's a bunch of people I'm buying for. :3 A lot of 'em have summer birthdays, and this is my first summer as a member of TCoD so... (Before, I just stalked around)

    I'll find something...
    I noticed you too. :D

    I'm waiting impatiently for ref test to be graded. I need some E-ref's done as soon as possible... because so many people have May birthdays.....

    Is there anything in particular you want in ASB?
    No. My avatar is just a shiny Octillery. My current Pokesona is a shiny Smeargle with green paint.
    You're very welcome. ^^ I missed doing this; I used to do it back in like '08 before I mysteriously vanished. And I know how much it sucks to have to wait for a ref. :P
    I collect the cards, but I never actually play. My favorite is definitely my Japanese Pulse of the Frontier Zapdos. :D
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