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  • did someone say they were lacking conversation? is someone in need of my VM spam?!
    No worries, take your time.

    edit: Also, sorry for spamming your profile, but a gentle reminder to get your commands in for your battle with Superbird.
    (small reminder that it's been a month since the tag battle DQ warning (you can still take as long as you need, of course, but))
    I'll reserve it just for you next time!

    I actually had a second Bastion-themed battle idea in mind we could use unless you're set on that first one.
    Eh, it'll likely still be free whenever one of your slots opens up. Then all we need is a third tcodder who plays both ASB and Bastion and is a ref and we're set!
    I had Plans to use Shih-Na disguised as Okuni but now I'm sending out second, haha
    man I deleted my PMs but I only remember you asking if whoever could tell what type it was
    ... you know, two months later, I realized that Jerome/FOX's Substitute was neither Normal/Flying nor Psychic-typed but Dark-typed, and thus Jack's combo shouldn't have destroyed it and therefore Keldeo and Jack's team-up combo shouldn't have worked... I am ashamed
    literally the entire tournament is waiting on you, does that make you feel important
    omg how long are your exaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaams
    it's k I know who my opponent is now and I'm reffing the last action of your battle anyway

    (all of MF's rulings still stick so don't re-ask)
    omg dude hurry up and post your orders, MF won't tell me who my opponent in the next round is >:(
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