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  • I require an edit of Growlithe's BW sprite wearing Jerome's snazzy shades asap. would you possibly have the time to deliver
    Hey, I was going to step in as an e-ref for Zhorken vs Totodile. Is that okay with you or did you want to get back to reffing that one?
    My condolences; you don't need to be sorry at all. Take as long as you need, and know that if you need to talk, we're here for you.
    Hey man, I'm really sorry about your uncle. I hope everything's going to be okay. We'll have a rematch sometime, alright? You take care of yourself.
    Hey, you have 48 hours to submit commands in your battle with Superbird! Let me know or post in the Absence Sheet if you need more time.
    Just a quick reminder that you're running up against DQ time in your tournament battle. Let me know if you need any other clarifications about the reffing.
    It's basically just a harder Who Knows Where sequence, but instead of telling you about his past Rucks just reads out some kind of Caelondian My First ABCs book.
    I'm down for that!

    The other was kind of a work in progress; I was thinking of a battle set in the Stranger's Dream, where each round Rucks reads a random page of the book and each one changes the properties of the arena in some way. I didn't manage to think of a concrete effect for each letter though, so I'd need a little time to iron out the specifics.
    yes omg lilypad battle would be the bomb

    maybe on top of a lotad or something? for further comedic effect

    also is posted officially now!
    how is Format:2v2 Single
    DQ:7 days
    Damage Cap:35%
    Banned/Restricted Moves:OHKO and Direct Healing
    Arena Description: A giant slice of swiss cheese in the Mystery Zone.

    Welp, you really did it now. You were trying to tweak in DP, since you didn't get the event Shaymin and Darkrai, and you accidentally saved in the Mystery Zone. For comedic effect, Palkia decided to create a slice of Swiss Cheese for us to land on. We're going to be stuck here for a while, so why not have a battle?

    Each action, there is a 30% chance your Pokemon will fall in a swiss cheese hole; it will attack last that action, since it has to wriggle out of the hole. If a move creates a hole underneath it and the Pokemon has already acted that action, it gets out as normal for the next action. If both fall into a hole, speed takes priority. There is no water for Surf, and if you Dig you risk losing your Pokemon to the mystery zone completly; Pokemon Abuse laws will prevent you from trying to Dig. I suppose you could make balls of cheese for Stone Edge and the like. You can't fall off the slice, Invisible Glitch Walls prevent you from doing so.

    Edit, per proposal:

    At any time you may command your pokemon to disguise themselves in cheese. They will take cheese and cover themselves in it. This creates a new hole near them. They become Cheese type and all their moves become Cheese type. Cheese type is as follows:

    Type Chart: Normal, Fire, Water, Bug, Steel 2x effective against cheese
    Electric, Fighting 1/2x effective against cheese
    Poison, Psychic, Ghost 0x effective against cheese
    Cheese 2x effective against Normal, Fairy, Psychic
    1/2x effective against Fire
    0x Effective against Rock, Steel

    for the revised? its a singles this way
    I hope someone will get one, but most of the active people have claimed their eggs. :C
    Hey man, I know you have a lot on your plate right now, but both my battles against The Omskivar and JackPK have been lingering for a while now, and I was wondering if it was ok to get an e-ref for them.

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