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  • it turns out I'm not even going to get the KO. I just burned all my bridges for absolutely no reason lmao
    oh my god now that I see Eifie's commands I'm even more sorry than I was when I posted my own
    Sure, go for it. I would hastily cobble a reffing together now but then I'd just inevitably give them another month-long wait for the next round, so :v

    where do the weeks even go between reffings jfc
    Oh yeah, if you're up for it, would you like to volunteer to ref for tournament? :O It'd be so great to have refs that aren't actually participating in that round, haha.
    this is going to be like our own personal game of mafia... or maybe, like, the hunger games or something. who will betray whom?! the intrigue builds...

    ah, yes, Bambi can sympathize. he has devoured the souls of many Sharptooth over his lifetime as a little candle.

    edit: grammar
    it's okay, Bambi couldn't possibly turn on Littlefoot after he was so kind as to avoid targeting him for the most part! obviously it was out of the kindness of his heart, and not for strategic reasons. in return, he expects Littlefoot not to gang up upon him next round >:(
    TRIUMPH (also I edited a description of the garbling into the original post in the tl;dr)
    awww, little momma's boy!

    (also: what would you say to an encore of this, possibly even four-way, featuring some combination of me, you, Jack, and Keldeo)
    omg where did that sprite even come from

    Wailord will be a challenge! I've never seen both of its eyes in the same picture!
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