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  • ((Also worry not about your battles without ref, I'm planning on grabbing you vs Bobino once I'm with Totodile vs Sang))
    v kewl

    Nothing other than what you already had. Is this going to be a 3+3 vs 3+3 then? If so, we probably want to hike up the Damage Cap (or eliminate it entirely, because that always works so well for you) so the battle doesn't last forever.
    shiftily pretends not to have considered sending out Lena to spam Solar Beam @ Orestes...
    I see. I've never seen Telekinesis being reffed any other way.

    I don't think it's that overpowered as it does allow non-contact moves. Actually, its effect doesn't differ much from Whirlpool's or Fire Spin's...
    Hey! Just checking, what effect would you roll for for Secret Power? (Also, Ralts is Fairy type so Dazzling Gleam should have gotten STAB, I think (edit 2: or was that because of the weakened flinch thing?)) (edit: also also, would you let a Pokemon be able to determine whether a Protect shield would let an attack through or not, besides through actually attacking?)
    the point of Telekinesis was to stop Ross from using Meteor Mash or Aerial Ace, which it should have due to them being contact move and Ross being locked in the air.
    actually I dunno when he's going to get around to thinking about it, so I'd recommend having the flinch work as normal for the first two actions (the second simply because the roll was so low) and on the third action, have it just dock a few points of damage from Dias's attack (or if it wasn't a damaging attack, reduce the effects and/or have it cost more energy). also note that the effectiveness of flinches on Dias is rapidly decreasing the more it happens (so Totodile may want to change her mind about spamming Headbutt).
    omg I'm actually so busy with school though :'( I am not having of the time yet

    I'm waiting on the word of MF, so maybe we can figure out what to do after that.
    ha ha! you think you can outsmart me, the great and amazing eif (may she live forever), with a mere gang of underlings?! I will show you all! if I don't post smart commands, I can't be outsmarted! it's perfect!
    how do I keep missing all these VMs. give me a pointy stick and I will bring you the body within the hour
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