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  • I never said what she did or didn't smell like! she could be a particularly spicy banana. The scent of banana does much to dispell the bad mood, no?

    awww you've been taking so many battles, I'll try to see if I can pick up one of yours in a few days. probably the walrus one though because commitment and I already reffed a train battle, but we'll see.
    You'll have to ask the approval staff. I'm pretty much leaving this all up to them.
    I've listened to it three times this morning and I think I busted a rib, like legit...

    awww man I wish I could but I just got my reffing load down to two battles after reffing six battles at once for like a month. :C poor Prickles, surely someone must come to his aid soon
    I have no idea why it's randomly so big right now but I can't stop watching the video
    I know, right. it's so badass, Parasect too.

    by the way, you might enjoy Jack's latest purchases
    also, would you be able to put Jerome's sunglasses on an Arcanine sprite, for my future reference (for extra bonus points, figure out how to do it for this one and make it look Cool)

    edit: I'm kind of tempted to ask someone to do a revamp of that sprite so you can put sunglasses on it...
    edit 2: oh my god
    you didn't claim any reffings while you were gone, did you? if I processed them I would've corrected them
    seriously dude I thought you saw it the day of and I was waiting for you to appreciate me for championing your cause
    oh wow I totally misread your VM. uhh check my post in the referee headquarters from a couple of months ago
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