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  • I believe your absence sheet post has expired, so I'm just wondering if you're okay to post commands in your battle versus Music Dragon now?
    dude collect your hidden ability egg, no one has hatched a Cyndaquil yet :(
    heyy once you get some free time wanna open up that swiss cheese battle again? it's been ages (I'd change it to singles o' course) but I can't resist CHEESE TYPE

    also I seemed to have missed your birthday :'( I have a very nice grandpappy solosis in my squad for you once he becomes a manly man and gets the right ability (clicked buy too fast) and I'll officialize it once it gets right :)
    All right, everyone participating in the battle except MF says they're okay with a draw, so I'll go ahead and close it now.
    Hey there! So I know you haven't been suuuper active lately, and pathos has said he's going on indefinite hiatus, so I wanted to ask about the battle I'm reffing between the two of you. I'd be fine either holding onto it until y'all are both more active or going ahead and closing it down to free up y'all's battle slots, and pathos seems neutral to both ideas as well. Do you have a particular opinion on the matter?
    Hey, would you be okay with ending the tag battle in a draw? Eifie's said she's okay with it and MF is gone, so if both you and Lilycolo agree I'll just close the battle now.
    do you ever come online for reasons besides extending your Absence Sheet post (what is going on in the life of a chees :O)
    (I'm pretty sure your Absence Sheet post's expired by now, but I'd like to give you a few days grace so here's a gentle reminder to PM me your commands in vs. Superbird soon)
    Hi, you have 48 hours to PM me your commands in your battle with Superbird. Post in the Absence Sheet or let me know if you need more time.
    omg no our lord and saviour Suicune simply touches the water with its paw and all the impurities run away
    "what is linoone if not a zigzagon in a line"

    can I put this in my signature. I will be sure to credit TruetoCheese, master Pokemon expert.

    edit: Wait, it's your birthday? Congratulations!! :o Do you want something specific or would you like me to surprise you?
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