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    Hmm hmm hmm~
    *singing quietly*
    I'm your only friend, I'm not your only friend but I'm a little glowing friend but really I'm not actually your friend but I am~
    It's called 'Birdhouse In Your Soul', if you want to find it by other means. :3

    Hmm hmm hmm~
    I like this song~
    Well, I'll have to do more than just keep him from having baklava if he did that.
    I won't let her. The only thing that could get her to take me...
    ...I don't even want to think about it.
    *tries to put I'm On A Blimp on MP3 player*

    And frankly, I'm afraid that my cousin was here to take me back.
    Which I don't want.
    At all.
    I don't think my family would even comprehend anything about computers.
    Or human culture in general.
    I saw a diagram once with a version of rock, paper, scissors with about 20 things. .-.

    Right~! :D
    oh my god I am cracking up.

    fine then I'll take Russia (though Belarus might be angry at me. herp derp.)
    I actually learnt it in a hallway on the way to lunch one day.

    I am soooo nerdy.
    *was still in elementary school so we did not do much history. but I can see why that'd be funny.*
    Rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitate lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, and Spock vaporizes rock.
    And the rest of the rules are the same as before.
    Yes, indeed, on the shop of the prefix PHOTO- (wat)

    Do you need help or something? I usually let google do most of my work by using images from wallpapers and such. Just add text, most of the time.
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