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  • Oh, yeah, that's how girls solve problems. Booooooriiiiiing.

    Also, she says you poked her before she poke-sploded you. You did it to yourself, so now I'm a detective. *Holmes hat*
    Or you're a vampire, in which case you should be able to catch Kuchiki yourself, so can skip the lawsuit and go straight to devouring.
    Wait, you have a body... You aren't a ghost, silleh Ulqueh. :3 You're obviously a zombie.

    Kuchiki raised you as an undead. Sue the hell out her.
    Well it was probably somewhere cheap and low quality. >:/ I think you should sue the hell out of her. SHE SAID YOU WERE BETTER. She did say that you would be better at some point, yes?
    KUCHIKI. She's going to get a strong talking-to about exploding people. >:/ Did she try to fix it?
    Yes we do. I think I convinced Thorne to start another one, but not until Dustborn is going.

    Maybe a Pokemorph RP... I don't know.
    The Kirby species were once galactic overlords. Think about it: Meta Knight is obviously a Kirby and Galacta Knight is probably one as well. Nova himself said the Galacta Knight may have destroyed the universe because he was so strong. Add to the fact that Kirby is an infant who has destroyed every and all Eldritch Abominations that have appeared, and can also absorb almost everyone's power. Kirby's stomach is its own pocket dimension, so essentially Kirby is literally a black hole with a mouth. Imagine millions of those things around the universe, and it's a wonder how the whole universe isn't completely destroyed.

    tl;dr, The Kirby's are the Saiyans of the Kirby universe.

    Also, the planet Shiver Star is quite clearly a frozen Earth. Scary!
    In fact, after playing Kirby Super Star Ultra, I actually came up with a theory of the Kirby species. Would you like to hear it?
    Sorry to disappoint you, but I am in no way related to johnscorcher or peanut3432 in any way

    Rubicante is a villian in the awesome Final Fantasy 4, where he often goes by the title "The Autarch of Flame". Because if you look at this video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTnLTOIySL0 and skip to 3:05, johnscorcher explains it.

    Sorry to disappoint:(
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