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  • Mentally slapped Arty *may not be wise* to buy myself a few posts.
    Can be wrong or right? Place confused emote here.
    Mysti says that the remark about how I cannot magically transport through you laptop was a bit uncalled for and that you don't know what might happen because "IT'S FOWL FOR GODS SAKE"
    she also says that my/her...avvie...matches my face right now.
    No, it doesn't.
    Shut up.
    You know, plane rides are a lot more fun if you can find something to talk about.
    Excuse me?
    Butler is instructed in various martial arts, and graduated from Madame Ko's school for Butlers at the age of 18.
    So, what did you say?
    Mysti says that Butler isn't h-shut up.

    artemis says that he'd be able to track me easily and that because he's in my mind he can t-SHUT UP
    I don't really talk much, Italy can certainly agree with me on that, but when I do, I have a lot to say.
    They're abit hard to find but worth it, imo.
    *has all the books except the graphic novels and the files* :3
    ...WELL THEN HERE ARE QUOTES TO CHEER YOU UP and possibly piss arty off. ow.

    Foaly: (suspiciously to Artemis) Just what else can that mobile phone do?
    Artemis: It can play solitare and minesweeper.

    Opal: (After attempting to murder Artemis, Holly and Butler) My truffles? You took them? That's just mean!

    Foaly : You should be nice to me, Holly. I'm doing you a big favour. If Julius knew I was helping you, he'd be extremely angry.
    Holly : Which is exactly why you are doing it.

    Artemis: (shocked) Why, Doctor? This is a sensitive area. For all you know I could be suffering from depression.
    Doctor Po: I suppose you could. Is that the case?
    Artemis: (head in hands) It's my mother, Doctor.
    Doctor Po: Yes?
    Artemis: My mother, she...
    Doctor Po: Your mother, yes?
    Artemis: She forces me to endure this ridiculous therapy when the school's so-called counsellors are little better than misguided do-gooders with degrees.

    Foaly: Anyone see you come in here?
    Holly: The FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA, MI6. Oh, and the EIB.
    Foaly: The EIB?
    Holly: (smirking) Everyone in the building.

    Artemis: I prefer scared to dead. If possible.
    Of course, that doesn't meat that younger nations don't drink.
    But I have to say, I don't think I've ever seen Canada with alcohol.
    I'm sorry that I liek Bloody Veggies so much ; ^ ;

    You can Goat City with me if desired... Wombat

    Damn that's an addicting nickname
    So... We're just used to it, even if most of us have reserved it for special occasions.
    Still makes me laugh.
    Arty sez that it wasn't funny. it was one of the only times in my life that I felt like an idiot.
    It's alright.
    Some of us older nations... We're used to drinking alcohol, if nothing else than because it was hard to find clean water once.
    My future avatar
    The picture that really started my mini-obsession
    I think I'm obessed with watching him bleed e.e

    I'm bored, going to Goat City
    Holly (After punching Artemis) Be a good Mudboy and I might bring you back a lollipop)
    Artemis: (After Holly leaves) I don't like lollipops.
    *slaps self*
    wake up
    Arty doesn't like these cherries that I'm eating because they remind him of lollipops.
    I don't know why I said that
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