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  • Alright then. Just making sure that we don't overlap each other.

    Also, my shop is for stats and basically replacement limbs and such for pokemon. I'm currently doing a update for my shop to also help Flyers and Swimmer in my shop...as well as a few extra things like hidden weapons and boosters for attacks.
    Hey, that shop you are trying to get started? Would it be anything like Automail?
    You were reading the same topic as I. What is something you want everyone to know about you?
    I was stuck there for aaaaaages back when I had my PS1 :<

    I've finished Spyro 1, only need a few more Orbs to fight Ripto on 2, and have barely even bothered with Year Of the Dragon.
    Haha, true ^^

    I've nearly finished Rayman~ I just need to find about half a dozen cages that evidently don't like me.
    "A New Beginning" had potential. But the voice acting was annoying and it was so short... it was all GO TO FOUR WORLDS AND COLLECT THE BREATH ELEMENTS AND THEN KILL CYNDER QUICKQUICKHURRYUP

    The first game on the PS1 was genuinely better than any of the rest. Rayman is just the same.
    Oh god I know D: I played one of the new ones once and I was just all WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ;_;
    I liked it for ages, but I'm more into RPGs/other platformers now. Unusually for a Sonic fan, I like the newer games, but ugh do they ever get annoying to play :/
    Well, that all goes back to the day when I took a sprite of Sonic the Hedgehog and a sprite of Tails and very, very badly spliced them and recoloured the monster red. I rather imaginatively called it "Mike" and used it as an avatar on the first forum I ever joined, also going by its name, and due to the fact that I'm uncreative thus it has remained.

    tl;dr some weird fox/hedgehog hybrid.
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