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Vipera Magnifica
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  • "I misread 'Do reptiles have emotions?' as 'Do republicans have emotions?'
    Well do they?"

    According to Tom Morello's reaction in 2012 to being cited by Paul Ryan as his favorite artist, they do apparently have plenty of rage.
    "Don't mistake me, I clearly see that Ryan has a whole lotta 'rage' in him: A rage against women, a rage against immigrants, a rage against workers, a rage against gays, a rage against the poor, a rage against the environment. Basically the only thing he's not raging against is the privileged elite he's groveling in front of for campaign contributions."
    If the hole in the wall was in the same room as the tank, I think it's just one of those places in games where enemies can spawn so you don't see them spawning.

    Also I find it a bit silly that you get an achievement for saving the little sisters and not killing the three people you have the opportunity to kill. Euthanising Alex the Great is clearly the correct choice, but you don't get the achievement if you do.
    I feel your pain! It's a bit frustrating sometimes. :O
    I took a break from my Nidorans to breed other stuff for a trade, now I'm kinda wondering whether I should just switch into breeding something completely different (like Snorunts) to keep things fresh. I've always wanted a shiny Glalie for those creepy red eyes and now it would be especially cool because of the mega.
    I haven't played it. It's multiplayer DLC isn't it? I don't really do multiplayer.
    Hi, sorry for taking a long time. If you're still stuck, I'm in Fontaine Futuristics now.
    Just keep truckin'! It'll be worth it when you get to wreck someone's team with a bunch of badass shinies.
    I just had a wi-fi 'battle' with my sister just to check my overall egg count, and I've hatched over 20500 pokemon eggs in this game. I *may* be slightly addicted too. Maybe.

    Yeah I guess the poke ball doesn't change much, but I just love colour-matching shinies with different balls because it's fun. Dream Ball does a little pink cloudy puff when the pokemon comes out. :P
    That's a pretty nice hatch :O I wish the number of all eggs hatched was easier to access (I don't feel like starting wifi battles with random people just to see the egg count) so that I could actually keep track of how many eggs these things take.

    Hopefully your perfect Scyther appears soon! Do you have it in some fancy/matching pokeball? It truly pains me that you can't catch a Scyther in a Friend Ball, because it'd go really nicely with the shiny colours (Nest Ball is a pretty close alternative though).

    Ooh, that'd be cool. I only have that previous 4IV Nidoran F available at the moment. It's Modest, in a Dream Ball, missing Attack and Speed + has some egg moves and its hidden ability. If you're at all interested in that, I'd be happy to trade.
    If I ever get that shiny male one, I'll probably get straight to training and testing 'em out (holy hell I want to try Sheer Force + Life Orb since apparently Life Orb doesn't recoil if you use a move that's boosted by Sheer Force).
    It's probably just coincidence, but it feels like that goddamn Sp. Def IV is really often the one that's missing. :P

    Errr, I'm not really sure. I spent an unholy amount of time hatching Tyrunts (a few weeks) and my Heavy Ball Miltank also took forever (it did end up with 5 IVs in the right places though). I tend not to count the boxes because it's too much of a hassle, so I have no idea about the actual egg counts. A shitload would probably be a pretty good estimate :D

    I'm kind of a lazy bum, so a lot of my competitive shinies have 4iv and I just go 'good enough' because I can't be assed to breed perfect ones all the time. I just check the stats with an IV calculator and a bunch of rare candies, and as long as the important stats aren't something like 2, I'm cool.

    Any idea what the Sp.Def was on your dud Scyther? gimme oh wait I have nothing to trade atm

    EDIT: hahaha fuck I just hatched another shiny Nidoran F with its HA and 4IVs. where my shiny male HA nidos at?
    My best advice is to just do something else while breeding so that it becomes almost automatic (I barely even look at the screen while I'm hatching eggs nowadays, but I still somehow notice the shinies). Watch something or listen to something so that it's slightly less mind-numbing. My favourite tactic for shiny hatching is to just ride along the daycare route and always deposit the newly-hatched non-shinies in the box, get a new egg after that and empty the box after it's full. Some people deposit the eggs and hatch them in Lumiose, but I think that's kind of inefficient (plus you might have to hatch a ton of extra eggs if you happen to get lucky and get a shiny at the beginning of the box) :P

    The shiny will hatch eventually! It might take days or weeks or whatever or just end up having shitty IVs but I guess patience is the key.

    I hatched a perfect 5IV Nidoran F a few days ago after hatching one 4IV female and a 4IV male with the wrong ability (the female would've been okay to me with but I kept breeding so I could get a male with the HA) so perfect IVs aren't impossible, but they require a bit of luck. Do you have a good 5IV/6IV foreign pokemon to breed the Scyther with?
    I've only played through once so I can't remember what room you're talking about either. I did start a new game a while back a few weeks ago that I didn't finish, I'll have a go over the weekend to see if I can find the room you're talking about.

    Which level is it in?
    Rory's alternate time zone pretty much makes him The Chosen One; you're going to get the Beta before the other kids. So, whenever you're ready, basically.
    **somniferousPolymer began pestering phantasmalTendril
    SP: tell me
    SP: more
    SP: about this game
    SP: im starting to become interested =_=
    CT: oh, hi, rory!!
    CT: the game?? well, i dont know much about it myself!! The Beta is coming out tomorrow, so i guess well see then!!!
    CT: i hear its kind of like the sims, but apparently its a very powerful game!!
    CT: whatever that means..
    CT: hey, youre in a different time zone dealy, right??? did you get your beta yet??
    SP: not yet
    SP: that is
    SP: it should be here in the morning
    SP: by which i mean
    SP: in a couple of hours =_=
    SP: have
    SP: you talked
    SP: to
    SP: the others?
    PT: yeah im talking to landon right now!!
    PT: no one else really knows anything about the game so you have to tell us all about it!!!
    PT: im not really sure if im going to get my copy, most mail doesnt ever reach my house......
    PT: i mean i live in a tree for crying out loud!!
    PT: and if i do get my mail the mailmen usually take a part of it...
    PT: ive received just envelopes before...
    PT: probably because they think they can take from the stupid girl in the tree and get away with it!!!
    PT: well i wont have it. anyway if i dont get my game then you know what happened... 3:
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