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  • What did I say? Oh. I meant to put an o or ().

    Anyway, as much fun as talking about swear words is, let's change the subject.

    Do you like bacon?
    Bull()ck5, bugg3r...

    And no, it's not my birthday. I just wanted to know hat the song was. I've read the welcoming one already.
    Well, I just realized how random and pointless talking about swear words is. Can I pretend it's my birthday so I can read your song?
    Yup. Gotta love Ninetales.

    ...Or maybe it's because foxes are my favorite animals...
    Oh. I've never heard of that word. I know that words like 'bloody' and 'bugger' are bad there but mean nothing here. Do any of our swear words mean anything to you?
    I was reading your topic in the Coughing Cupboard and I have a question. Is the word 'twit' considered a swear in England?
    He looks great! I kind of realized that the striped hears would be hard to do since they're so small. Sorry about that.
    Nope. I posted the thread. And I'm now sending the invitations to you and... WAIT! You'll have to wait and see <<
    Oh, okay then :)

    Well, I'll soon post a thread about it... soon. Then I'll invite you and... WAIT! I'm not telling anyone who I'm going to invite. You'll all have to wait and see <<

    Dinner is nice. I have already had dinner looooong time ago. We'll soon have supper! I'm waayy ahead of you :P
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