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  • I don't believe semen is either web-like or similar to spider webbing. Unless you have some very strange disease.
    What is/are the recommended method(s) to employ when going about the business of secreting and projecting a sticky, thread-like material not unlike the silky weavings of an arachnid?
    The oddity and sheer nonsensicalness of your remark or action has driven me to utter an audible sound of mirth, but at the same time causing me to become rather confused and disoriented, wondering quite what is going on and rather hoping you're willing to explain so that I may cease being mystified.
    Perform a complete 360 degree turn used as an evasive tactic in aviation to evade enemy ammunition!
    Oh, how embarrassing. During the course of my routinely actions, I have, quite unintentionally, managed to not only part of the thing in question, but in fact it in its entirety. For the benefit of my own safety and piece of mind I'd like to inquire as to whether you think this poses any significant short or long term negative side-effects for me.
    Begging your pardon, Mario, but I have certain objections to the way you addressed me just now, and would like to correct you to prevent any further offence on my part, or embarrassment on yours; therefore I propose that in future, you refer to me as "Mama Luigi", rather than simply Luigi as you so carelessly did some moments ago.
    In my opinion- and feel perfectly free to disagree with me- Halo is an especially splendid gentleman. My reasons for believing this are twofold; firstly, he dispatches extraterrestrial lifeforms, and secondly, he does not falter in the face of adversity.
    I think if you examine that statement more closely you will find that it describes yourself, not I, in a greater level of accuracy.
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