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  • in fact, you can now go there and make your own account, then I will up your permissions (before you couldn't make an account)
    I tried making a topsites thingie on firechao - obviously it needs some new layout et cetera, but it work very well at least.
    do you think this could work for the updates on the index page?

    It might need the index page to index.php - I'm not sure...
    cool - I'll add a sprite page

    Do you want to help choose topsites/ how many topsite buttons do you think we should have?

    ...Tell me if you have any page ideas!
    are there any changes that need to be done to the template before I stick the site into it:

    -Should there be a page for our sprites to go with the sprite packages page?
    -Should I register in different topsites (needs to be a balance between popularity and competition (on topsite))
    -Any other pages you would like to see?
    -Anythig else?

    I will make the deadline for template suggestions next weekend, so I can upload and affiliate then.

    (Did you know to affiliate literally means to adopt as son)
    I'm pretty sure they will - It's not like they even display your image (it just appears when people hover over your name)

    also, all of their affiliates atm (all 20 of them) are "top affiliates" - They could just put us in their "regular affiliates" box (making us stand out more and get more clicks) if they feel we're inferior

    ...I'm probably just cocky, but I was only asking to check if you thought they were worthy of us!

    I mean, honestly, look at this site that they affiliated with - barely any content & it's even "Bestly Viewed Internet Explorer"

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