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  • The template is here, as it always has been (the affiliate in the footer has actually agreed to affiliate)

    also, do you think this would be good for update boxes?

    I was thinking of affiliating with Eevee's Mansion when the new site has been uploaded - what do you think?
    trying a few favicon ideas:

    I really should save the .pdn files with layers - both these images have been flattened...

    I will still get round to improving them eventually

    you do get a lot more time on the computer than me...

    I guess it just depends on whether you really care about making FireChao.com a respectable website.

    ...In fact, if you helped enough, you could become admin #2 (not lower rank due to number) and post updates/ host sub sites et cetera...

    btw I did some more to the new template, putting everything in tables - It works better now despit the inferiority of tables (as far as I can see though, the only disadvantages are that you cannot control the loading order and the code is messier - not a problem due to the magic of dreamweaver!)
    not really, but I wouldn't have much time to update

    ...that is, if I didn't have any help *wink wink*

    ...from Callum *nudge nudge*

    ...for me *stab*
    ok I'll do that - I'll probably just delete older posts off the bottom of the page

    ...or do you think there should be a page where all my posts appear?

    also see the new home page (adds will be to the right of shoutbox but at the moment no relavant ads found - no content)
    could you help me find some update box code for a homepage? Kind of like this. (needs to allow me to easily post, then automatially move older posts down when I do - or at least be easy to do this with)

    In have some justifications of your criticism,
    1. The deoxys defence sprite was already like that so i see no need in changing it.
    2. the "blue" on the gem was on the original sprite as well, although I do need to change the pink - i'll admit i was being a bit lazy at the time.
    3. using loads of colours shoud'nt be that much of a problem, I wanted a yellow, so I made one, there wasn't one of the deoxys sprite that i already had.
    all meanings

    not sure which...


    land surveying instrument


    or colour

    ...probably colour

    sorry, but as you refused to breed with my easter buneary, I've had to take you out of the daycare so piplup can make some easter buneary eggs - you're in the pokewalker instead now (I thought you could do with shifting a little podge)
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