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  • I tire of mangoes. Find me a different fruit.

    (I'm a ref now in ASB and I have everything ready to get Cappun approved I just need to finish one more battle.)
    yeh it must be - that shoutbox text appears where the shoutbox is on dreamweaver, but then when you preview the shoutbox appears and the text is pushed down
    I noticed that this problem doesn't happen in IE - firefox changes the scrollbar colour, owever, and breaks the page in the process
    next version! - it now has a shoutbox (this will only feature on the index page) but the page has been broken slightly...
    yeh - although I think that I will instead just have an "ART" section that contains a splash page linking to both the porn man and adam's art galleries (because neither porn man nor lance maverick sound very appealing, and so that people don't leave the sit against their will and have to press the back button to return to the site map/ menu/ thing)
    but I chose paint.NET because I like its simplicity...

    ...the incompatability and overall ugliness (the fonts seemed to be the wrong size) of GraphicsGale were bad points also...

    p.s. I'm splicing Ho-oh and Snorlax - I have to scratch a portion of wing and I'm scared...
    yeh I know that's why I said they remain available

    ...it was worded a little oddly...

    ...how is GraphicsGale better?
    paint.NET - I tried GraphicsGale, but chose paint.NET as how it works is more obvious, while layers/ transparency et cetera remain available. Also, I can open all image file types, unlike the free version of GraphicsGale.
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