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  • check out my sprite:
    I dressed you up again - I'm not sure you look any better but oh well... you do have a top hat, I guess.

    Also, I tried out about 20 females from the same egg group to see if you wanted to make some eggs with them instead, but you rejected all of them. I got an easter buneary recently, so will try that when it hatches (I want some more easter buneary anyways)

    thar 'tis
    Yeh - I dressed you up. I might dress you up again as I have new stuff now...

    p.s. my snorlax has 1875 siblings!
    Yeah you are! you have glasses and a rug and everything!

    also, these are your siblings:
    [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]

    One is shiny! but hardly any eevee eggs seem to have survived...

    btw have you discussed colours with will yet?
    also, I accidentally deleted the concept art gallery when moving it from one gallery to another... sorry...

    here's your GPX+ heritage:

    Callum's Heritage
    Great Grandparents (only 4 as other grandparents side were all adopted from lab)
    Then what kind of shoddy excuse for a calendar is it?

    I ought to kick your arse into next M'nyúúrum.
    Anyway, one thing I do know about Terry is his account was a "sub-steal" account. He's got LOTS of subbers these days! Butterfree might let him back in! -No.
    They do indeed.

    Now I just need to edit his movepool to fit in Ice Beam, Blizzard and Dig, but I only want to remove Rock Slide, which may be difficult.


    [Also also also I recoloured the Cappun sprite a tad and got GIMP so I could transparentise it and I didn't mess it up totally]
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