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  • So what do you do in that subject anyways?

    I have most of June off; my last exam is on the 10th. :D
    I did think that, but I was sending e-mails to Arylett while she had me blocked. However, it could be because you have a hotmail account and she doesn't.

    Oh? Well it won't let me send anything to you or even save a draft of something addressed to you ;[

    Did you go to a beachy area?
    I was revising for Monday's Biology test. Have been at it again today. Luckily I find the content I'm covering now more interesting and more easy, despite it supposedly being more difficult.

    So, I take it you took a tumble then?
    I expect it's a real police box - look at the thing on top.

    Sort of?

    And are you okay with my definition of "talk"?

    So how was Devon?
    No need to be sorry.

    Sort of? I've been trying to send you an e-mail but it said the address was not regognised :(

    Yeah, I do still have revision to do - I'll explan to you like it did to Arylett what my definition of "talk" is in "don't talk to me"

    Anything that's instant is talking to me -MSN, or Facebook are included here, even Facebook status comments because with me, I just leave facebook open and as soon as I get alerts, I check.

    E-mails, PMs and visitor messages aren't included because they either take longer to write, and therefore isn't really "talking" but more of a disscussion, or just because I won't realise until I next check if I've got a message, usually when I'm taking a break from revising.

    Anyway, the thing I was going to send you in the e-mail was...


    Also, speaking of non-instant ways of messaging, I found something really interesting that Google's working on called Google Wave that was revealed a couple of days ago, I found it interesting, I dunno if you might too. They say that it's what e-mail would be like if was invented today instead of fourty years ago. Here's a video about it if you want, although be warned that it's over an hour long. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_UyVmITiYQ
    Just thought I'd share that.

    So how was your holiday? Where did you go?

    EDIT: Stalked your profile messages. How was Devon?
    We've been so woried about you D:

    Starting to think your e-mail address didn't exist any more :(
    Can you please send me an e-mail, because gmail doesn't seem to let me add a contact or send anything to anyone unless they contacted me first :(
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