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Zora of Termina

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  • Cool. Gardevoir and Milotic are my sister's favorites because "they look pretty".

    Bidoof. At least in DP. He's cute in PMD2. Yup, yup, by golly!
    Sooooo... I've been wondering for a while, what is your favorite and least favorite Pokemon?

    I love Drifloon because it's a Ghost and Flying type (my second and third favorite types, water being the first). It's also a really clever idea; a living balloon with little hearts on the ends of the strings.

    I've always hated Delcatty for some reason. It just bugs me. Also Purugly. It's so fat and gross.
    I'm VERY OCD, even with medication. For some reason, I feel this irresistible urge to pick up anything I see on the ground: track, pencils, even cigarettes, and put them into my pocket.
    Are you serious about her being arrested? If so, what on earth could the medication have done to you to make him have to go to jail? If you're kidding, I'm sorry. I'm immensely gullible.

    Oh, i forgot that I also take it for OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). I'm a really weird person in real life, especially when I'm not on meds (which is almost never)
    The most negative thing that happened because of meds was when I switched to a different medication, and almost jumped off my school building. It made me so depressed. My parents ripped me off the medication faster than you could believe and got me back on Sertraline.

    So why do you take meds, if you don't mind me asking?
    It's the dosage. The right amount of dosage helps a lot, but too much makes me all suicidal and stuff. It really helps in the right dosage. I just changed to 150 mg a few days ago, but I'm changing back.
    Cool. I'm actually horrible. I just had a fight with my dad. I upped my dosage of Sertraline and it's made me all depressed and stuff. I've been mouthing off to my parents and teachers. Thank God that it's fall break. I need to go back to 125 mg.

    Ugh. Sorry for ranting. I just didn't want to make a CC thread. :[
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