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Zora of Termina

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  • Yeah, damn. And Al's always been a good fighter, but he takes a Level In Badass around here. and the third? He's a cop with a gun fixation. Cortz is similarly trigger-happy. ..they get along 8D
    8D Nice.

    In physical stuff, Cortz can't really fight; she's more of a flexible bender and dodger person. When you add in science, though...

    There's a reason for her lab being underground, ya know.
    I totally plan to do it 8D

    Cortz is generally Crazy Awesome and Hot Blooded when riled up. (since for some reason I ran her through a Mary Sue test and since this is non-srsface, she scored...a 4. When the range of flashed out well but kinda boring is 0-80. The Crazy Awesome removes the boring part, plus it was probably always there.) Once she does reattach it, she's wearing a ring to cover up the weird looking scar. Then? She'll accidentally pimpsmack someone with the ringhand and be al "D8 OH SHI-"

    ...this needs to be made ;-;
    Cortz is a little bummed. She can't point dramatically without a pointer finger, and she's right-handed so.

    "Shut up y-...damnit, can't point dramatically. Ah well. I still have the finger, Batman, and I'm reattaching it with science." *leer*

    "...Considering your science usually involves exploding, good luck with that."

    ...I'm actually keeping MewothTwirl open in case Mike wises up (and it would be more apporpriate for him anyways)

    Also, sitting in seiza position burns aaa why am I doing it aaa machosism aaaa
    Big ones.

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