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Zora of Termina

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  • it probably was. pineapples are awesome; they can be a weapon and all you have to do is wipe it off and eat the evidence *shot*

    \o/ now if you'll excuse me i have to go love on fmc for giving me an epic shadow
    And there was not a speck of it on the roads or paths. Which is good, because otherwise, there'd have been no room for appaling driving or parking.
    :D Yaaaaay.
    You'll be unutterably relieved to hear that your heart isn't really in it.

    Have some snow.
    Believe in you, who believes in yourself! ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWA

    so apperently you're jesus? Jesus is way cool o:

    i'm actually drawing tipsy!typh right now, minust badass longcoat and plus dress shirt with pulled back sleeves. and fedora
    yes it is. i tried drawing ninetails before but um

    o rly now typh is agnostic

    ...all right fine. i have talked to her before though and left a message of two afterwards.
    thexy?~ oic

    ..DAMNIT them pink lemonades go down fast and that just reminded me D8 That Heiderich Boy's FMC, correct? My recent obsession with FMA and seeking out the dub on sundays is all her fault >:c but she's awesome from what i see of her~
    deah by flaming spork oh god has that ever happened

    if only

    o: ! nan's surprisingly agile for her age. although she is a bit '>:c you kids get off my lawn' sometimes. but god. i must learn cooking from this woman ;A; we live together y'see, long with mam

    so how's eet look? :D
    yes but do you know how epic that will be on the death certificate

    it's almost as awesome as death by flaming spork

    also it's my nan's birthday 8D 84 holy whaaat

    TROPICAL FLAVA and it vaguely tates like this green corn syrup medicien i have. i really like the taste of that though so this is pretty okay


    it was so cool there was a stone replica of her head that we could touch
    yes it was i actually showed feeling in class for once (long story)
    zorahaircut o:

    have you ever eaten pop rocks before? i has em c: got them at the science center, i got to see Sue yes, that sue. ahahah i have no idea how a famous dinosaur found its way here but between that, the engineering exibit, the rock wall (altohough my fingers they are in pain ;A;) and the fact that there is a coffee,tea, and hot chocolate dispenser (it looked so cool too~) ...eeee i love field trips <3
    It's interesting to see what some spawned characters value more. I spawned a priest and gave him a cross, then spawned some money next to him. He promptly dropped the cross to pick up the money. Also, in that one mission where the cow has to pass by the butcher, I spawned money next to him also. He dropped his cleaver, picked up the money, and forgot about attacking the cow.

    okay so apperently there's a part in a level where you have to get a woman to some vending machines past a bully, without killing him

    what to do what to do
    imma copypasta troper tales because i can

    and we are officially coming up with scenarios and stuff to do in the sandbox because we can

    Make a pool. Fill it with babies. Then put the mother on the edge and drop in a toaster.
    Do the above, but with a vending machine. The mother will heroically leap in to save... the candy bar that comes out of the machine, the bitch.

    also oh god i read the scribblenauts page on tvtropes.

    i was not aware of the things you can do with the start screen

    i will buy this game purely for that
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