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  • Ohnoes, my laptop (which had X-Chat on it) is down for now, so you can get on Wi-Fi. My Platinum FC is 0173 7192 9836.
    I need to trade my Zapdos and Charmander from Platinum over to you, so you can send them to my Diamond.
    You can fuse Loki, the ultimate Fool Persona, fairly easy, it think it was the three strongest Fool Persona before him, which I don't quite remember.

    Otherwise, a good persona is Yatsufusa, who you can fuse with Thoth, Mothman, Makami, Orthrus, and Narasimha. I haven't used it myself but I can tell it is one great Persona(it gets both Charges)
    "I got family, and friends. And you!"
    You got a point there.

    kanji's social link is awesome, as well, and his ultimate Persona, Rokuten Maoh is so cool it's cool.

    And then the ultimate Emperor Persona you unlock for it, Odin, he is AMAZING.

    I found a guide that tells you how to max all social links, I'm gonna use it on my next second playthrough so I can pwn the game and have a save to mess around with.
    I really don't like Yosuke, because, he's not bad a character, or in battle, but he's bland, in both categories.

    I liked Sayoko, but I liked Hisano, Death, in other words, as well. And Nanako/Dojima was awesome as well, I only maxed two social links on my first playthrough, thought. Not counting the ones who max themselves, I managed to max Emperor and Priestess, which is Kanji and Yukiko.
    Rise is my second favourite female character, after Naoto. I don't find her annoying in battle like half of the Persona fanbase, I do, in fact, see her cheerleader giggling as a reward for the fact I managed to beat the crap out of something.

    Outside of the main cast, which Social Link character was your favourite? Mine was totally Naoki, because he had the coolest arcana and his social link was my favourite, especially the 8-10th ranks.
    Almost every scene with Kanji speaking ended up hilarious in one way or another. And I'd totally make Naoto my girlfriend in the game if not for the fact I ship KanjixNaoto. :3


    Kanji and Naoto are my favourite characters in Persona 4, plus they both kick ass in battle. <3
    Are those lyrics from Carol Ann Duffy's "Havisham" I see in your signature? :O Oh, GCSE English Literature~
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