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  • Of course they teach theory; I just never pay attention to them because the lectures are SO boring to the point of wanting to fall asleep (that happened to a friend of mine during class and he happened to be drooling, too. xD).

    Still, when it comes to theory I'm not the best person to ask. Problem solving is my domain (and yet I still stink at that).
    Compared to homosexuality, there's nothing wrong with finding an imaginary creature sexy; it's normal to feel that way about a certain fictitious character (I think).

    ...Normally I would talk about sex at this point but 1) my mind is rather tired and 2) ...what was my reason again?
    we'll see about that

    i have 3 sodas left, and the night is young. I dont think you can win =P
    didnt finish it yet.....i really like it so im reading it carefully

    ur tired....maybe u should surrender (i have caffine on my side, now :D)
    No, what we meant was "don't be ashamed to reveal your fantasy". And last I checked i.e. a few minutes ago, you wrote: "I can never look at my username again. I should go back to 'dogsgofetch'..."

    Really, there's nothing to be ashamed of (and I can proudly say that finally. =D)
    im not caving!!!!!!!

    when im tired i usually get hyper...when im really tired...i get dull (un-blonde, actually)
    It's midnight, I'm a Poképhile.... what do you think? ...Oh wait, you're only 13, I shouldn't implant those kinds of thoughts in your head— gah, forget what I just said! =P.

    Truth be told, I'm chatting with other people. Although I have no clue if it's safe to chat with one of my friends. =/
    I wish the both of you the best of luck then. ;D Although, you're both still kids, so you should at least get ten hours of sleep each day (according to my mom but meh, I don't listen to her so why should you— especially since it's just some stranger's mom?).
    Huh, still up I see... (I'm currently at my grandmother's place, where sneaking on my laptop is possible. :3)
    Acid=Phantom liquid

    Agility=high-speed movement

    Assist=cats hand

    Barrage=Bullet throw

    Body slam=lean on

    Brick break=roof tile smash

    and there's more but I'm tired
    Disable=sad abuse

    fire blast=large letter of the alafabet

    Doubleslap=round trip cheek slap (which makes more sense)

    Ember=child of fire (so cool!)

    Focus energy=hopeless fighting sport
    Acid=Phantom liquid

    Agility=high-speed movement

    Assist=cats hand

    Barrage=Bullet throw

    Body slam=lean on

    Brick break=roof tile smash

    and there's more but I'm tired
    Disable=sad abuse

    fire blast=large letter of the alafabet

    Doubleslap=round trip cheek slap (which makes more sense)

    Ember=child of fire (so cool!)

    Focus energy=hopeless fighting sport
    And the convo-stalker strikes again. ^^; Although nothing life changing will come out of it if I did tell him of your support, thanks. =)

    And I agree with you, that story also riles me up. =/ "They're idiots..." (his words, not mine, in reference to his parents).
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