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  • So, Scy, how about you give me the fakemon's bloody description?

    Im feeling the bloody urge to draw(and before the year ends- it 21:41 here!).

    ...And Im going to taste a bloody champagner or the first time of my life.
    And I will puke the first time since summer vacation!

    lol. But seriously, I despise alcohol. Bad taste.
    One glass of 5% wine makes me puke.
    And we just had someone (in school) tell everyone from classes G(7) to I(9) how bad alcohol is.

    ......Anyway, seems like I beat you in ASB! MUWAHWHAHWHAHWAHWHAH*coughhackcough*
    :O You don't like chocolate?!

    I've done some writing, but I'm not very good at it. I like TV, so I co-wrote a webshow with some friends a while back, but we never got round to actually filming it.
    <strike>The sky.</strike>

    Nothing much, I got a ridiculous amount of chocolate for christmas, so I'm just eating my way through it atm. What about you?
    So, scyther, did you even start developing the idea of the fakemon's appearences(I.E. description), or did you start the 'ROM hack' Idea just now?
    I'd be glad to make artworks =)

    Especially because my three main character which I draw(calld WinLord, DrilLord, and DrillAtan) finally have ground under their legs and spikes, meaning they won't be modified anymore, so I've got a lot of free time to draw. (in school, that is.)
    I can show you artworks only once a week, thuogh. Sometimes twice.
    So, Uh, if you want to hire me, just give me the Fakemon descriptions and Im on it!
    (Please note I can only send you LineWorks and not coloured art, or I might send you one creation per week. Lol.)
    I could stay up the whole day and with no beverages to keep me up. But I simply choose not to because due to the workload I received from college, I need my beauty sleep now!
    Meh, don't bother with the meaningful stuff if your mind is jumbled. You should let your mind rest.

    Nah, I'm not going to join the contest. Not to gloat or anything but I can easily beat the both of you easily and stay up for the whole day (it's not exactly quiet outside).
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