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  • Shortly. BUT NOT SOON ENOUGH *whacks you again*

    So I'm stuck listening to the game's OST while waiting for Tuesday. Agony.
    No, I meant that I needed my brain.

    Also BIG NOOOO I'm itching to replay ToS2, but it turns out my brother brought it back to the dorm with him ;~; So I'm stuck waiting in agony until Tuesday.

    I mean, uh, hi.

    Yeah, really sorry I haven't been very active at all these past months. D: But... I am very possibly back! We shall see. Also, I read about your stint in Russia. x3 Sorry, I love the word stint so I, uh, decided to use it. Seriously, though, you sounded enthusiastic, so... I'm glad you had fun! Can't remmeber where I read about it. Anyway. Yeah, gah, can hardly wait for May - even if the party I vote for doesn't win, I'll be tickled pink to have done my bit! Lucky in the case of politics, I share the political opinion of what seems to be most of my family who's voiced it, or at least told me what theirs is, so uh, I can happily talk about it with them without them attempting to disown me. x) Which is, uh, always nice.

    Ahaha, yeah. PSHE is a bit of a joke in our school too. Wait - our? I mean mine. You know what I mean.

    Hope your uni trekking has been going well! I've had a lot of fun doing that, and I have experienced success with applying - it's been fun. Unfortunately we only get to choose two. ; ; Woe.
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