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Karkat Vantas
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  • Reffing double battles is really annoying. I can't take it anymore. I'll drop yours. Good luck finding an e-ref.

    ... Baw, that was paperthin. Have a nice April the 1st.
    The Kelpus line is the only two-or-three stage line I have at all, unless you count Avelin (+ Skarmory).
    I can do movesets and things for the Kelpus line if you want. When do you need them?
    If I'm feeling particularly bored and/or inspired, yes. I haven't in a while, though.
    So did I. Though I expected that he'd be a little more... Immediate.

    I suppose there are some things you just have to bear until the right time.

    I'll bet you ten ASB bucks that Joseph's not done with trolling us. Argh, seriously, when will he learn? :I
    Looks as though <Joseph: Night SHADE> ain't done making alt accounts.

    If I could, I'd run an immediate IP check on the bloke who just showed up at the ASB bank whose signature is practically screaming "I am a fake".
    So, I stumbled upon what I assume that would be what the big text in your sign concerns, and also the project you invited me for earlier.

    The voices told me to make an account, which I did, but I suppose I ought to talk to you first. Well, I've been finding myself with abnormal amounts of free time lately, so, if you still need stuff, I can help.
    It's that badass from AAI.

    Watch what you say. He might knock you out. With a lollipop.
    Most likely Shawn. Then again, Rehabit (now named Dexter) is fully evolved, so. If he sends out 'chic, I'll do Alias. Unortunately, not evolved yet cause of a modification with his automail. But. If Pancake's out, i'll go with Dreizas, and if fuglypig is out, I could always use Kuudere.
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