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Karkat Vantas
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  • Hold on, nevermind about the 'Typh wants the previous arrangement' thing. I just misunderstood what she said. Challenge will be up shortly.
    Naw. It's all the more exciting if we don't know who's going to use what.

    Typh seems to be reluctant to team with you, though. :| Shall we settle with the previous arrangement?
    Hey, Kam, would you prefer a normal-ish damage cap of about 30%, or a crazy-person (like me!) cap of 50~75%?
    Alright. I'll get to typing it, and when/if Typh gives us the a-okay about the team arrangements, I'll post it.
    *headdesk* This is why I should stop drawing/reffing/doing homework and go outside once in a while.

    Well, Green asked if I could be his partner instead, but he was sorta-kinda joking and I'm not sure if we're rearranging the teams or not. And we still haven't really decided on an arena.
    It isn't exactly money that's the issue, but the time. All my time is taken up by reffing/drawing/homework and whatnot. Plus, I'm probably going to be playing Tales of Symphonia soon.

    I guess I'll drop by some game stores to check it out, though.
    A better question would be, "How the hell have you gotten nine EXP for Khao already?"

    Anyway, I got 2 EXP from the Rare Candies I won at the ASB Awards thingy, another 2 from a battle with Mike, 1 from a battle with Dragon which ended in DQ, and 3 from that epic double-battle with Kratos.

    I've been meaning to play it for some time now, but I can never manage to find time. :V



    ... :V I'm still debating on how I should use them.
    Who doesn't? It will be out soon, just have a little patience! And soon after will be the action-packed spin-off, Nintentoast Adventures! Use the Nintendo DS Toaster Lever to guide your toasty hero on an epic quest to find the Golden Toaster of Doom and defeat the villainous Grilled Bread Thief! Coming to stores near you... at some point!
    Yes, silly Kam. :P
    I remember back when I used to go around on the official Pokemon website, I'd zoom in on Wailord's eye and find out it wasn't white, but transparent. I remember seeing the lines of the background through the eye. It kind of scared me.
    Size is one of Wailord's biggest letdowns. But hey, who could resist a 47-foot Pokemon that can Bounce around and crush enemies on a whim? It's one of the reasons I'm considering getting a Wailmer.
    Lucky Egg... I've never been very clear about its description. :| Does it mean that if a Pokemon scores a KO, instead of getting an additional 1 EXP, it gets 2?

    I think I'll be using my Eevee. Need moar Ice, yes.
    Well, since Green only has one Pokemon, I think one Pokemon each'd be fine.

    Well, I suppose so, but I'd prefer there to be obstacles - trees, boulders, I don't know - to take advantage of. It'd be no fun to have a completely flat arena with nothing interesting to mess around with :P

    Okay, okay, fine. I wasn't planning to use any of my fully-evolved 'mons, anyway. I'll probably be using a first-stage.
    Hey, Kam, so I'm to be facing you and Green in a double tag battle with Typh as my partner, yes?

    This means we'll have to think of a new stage. You... got any ideas?
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