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Karkat Vantas
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  • I was thinking of having cliffs all over the volcano so that, as the lava rises, a non-flying and non-levitating Pokémon can still save itself from the eruption.

    Also, I'd say not an OHKO, but, grievous damage that ignores the caps. 50% fire-type damage, perhaps.
    If we make the pool of lava begin a good distance away from the battlefield, then Dexterous and Zero would still be on equal footing, at least by the beggining of the match.

    Oh, and, before I forget, just reffed your match.
    Well, a couple of things that could help in thinking that up. One, both of them can get off the ground. Two, Dexterous is a Pokémon mostly built for attacking, while Zero is the opposite, meant to be used in a defensive manner.
    I say we try to think of an arena with factors that make the fight between Dexterous and Zero more fierce. Including, perhaps, a rule to force us to send them out first.

    The Adhesive Hole limits the amount of Pokémon that can battle effectively, which goes against the point in making a 3vs3.
    Not a bad idea.

    But, even better. We both seem to have several Pokémon that never got to battle once yet. Does a 4vs4 sound good?
    Metallica Fanboy.

    Speaking of which could you critique that tophatmon I made? The sprite took like five minutes to make. >>

    I only wish I could submit Jelabyss. D:

    BTW how would you feel about helping me sprite MF's fakemon while Cookies draws them/it?
    No, he hasn't. Seriously, all "LOL I HAVE OCD GIVE ME SPECIAL CAAARE". :I He also stole that Lampmon as well. God knows if he made those Rotom formes or stole those as well.
    Gaaa I went with Umbreon. xP

    Oooof course you do.

    Also WTF is with JNS. :/ "OOPS I DIDN'T MAKE THAT"
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