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Karkat Vantas
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  • I just got SS today. I told my mom yesterday how it sucked I didn't have it so I bought it today because, as it turns out, I have money in my checking account still!

    Go Metooth the Totodile! <3
    I don't blame you. Fighting mushrooms = win.

    Although Breloom is incredibly annoying in competitive battling.
    You certainly do seem to want one of my Shroomish. :0

    Since my battle with Typh finished, I broke the $700 mark again. So yeah.
    Uh, considering the fact that I have three reffings to do here at the moment, I might take a while as well ^^; Unless Lars himself said that he'd have trouble reffing that battle, then I think it'd be best that I don't jump in and add to my growing pile of work.

    Also, just to clarify, are the calculations on Fasblica done the same way as TCoDASB?
    Oh, yes. I recall you saying something about testing an ASB-esque thing somewhere? I'd like to know the details. :0 It sounds interesting.
    Alright, then. I'm horrifically uncreative with this sort of stuff, though, so don't be surprised if it's mind-numbingly boring.
    I would have taken that Numel if I had a Pokemon to spare, but alas, I have none. Sorry. :|

    Aaa where are all these challenges coming from. Well, I'm all up for a battle! I'm barred at the moment, however, and I've arranged a battle with Dwagie after I'm free to challenge again, so you might have to wait a while. In the mean time, do you want me to think of the arena, or will you?
    I'm not quite interested in huge, hulking lava camels, either. Typically I only use Pokemon whose designs strike my fancy.
    I'm still sure you could do it. Just double check your calculations a couple times and see if they always come out the same.
    I'm pretty sure you could do fine in a ref. If I could do it, you should find it easy.
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