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Karkat Vantas
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  • I'll see you again someday~!

    Narrator: And so, Ash and his friends continued on their journey, pledging to always remember the bold strength and courage of Character of the Day and his Pokemon.
    I'm all busted up
    Broken bones and nasty cuts
    Accidents will happen
    But this time I can't get up
    Good one!

    I wanted to call myself larsiosaurus, which is based on brachiosaurus(biggest dino ever), but it would be unclear.

    Being named after a birdy dino is cool too, though.

    Larseratops stabbed Skroykilo's neck using his masive horns!

    Try to find out to which dinos I refered.
    So...uh... I have to create a battle thread and reff it now, correct?

    P.S. Since I am related to the battle, do I get a free lunbird too?*greed greed greed*
    Do you ever go to the Adirondack Mountains? I go camping there sometimes.
    I've been to New York City a couple of times, mostly for Marching Band.
    I just hope you're not talking about the city. When I talk to some people out of state, they think I live in the city when I said 'New York'. I live in the state of New York... Have you had this problem, too?

    There's just all this random changing in my friends list, it's maddening I tell you.
    Uh... right, KAMMZOR, but what do I have to do if I want to test that thing?

    And i demand- err, ask you that you will at make me a modera- give me an important role or something.
    waitwait exactly how would it work

    poison/dark type stunky

    odor sleuth only works on ghost

    there is no ghost to remove from this equation

    thus it will not work
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