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Karkat Vantas
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  • My avatar. I need a sprite of it. My pixel-over version turned out like shit, so I need your skeelz. Fell free to do it as a pixel-over, or a scratch, or an edit, I don't care. Just make sure it looks like it came out of the game. I'd also prefer if you didn't upload it to deviantART. Thanks very very much 8D!
    I'd be glad to help you, but what is that project?

    If you're trying to create some super violent video game, for instance, my answer will be no.

    But I can imagine it's a pokemon game, and the fire starter in it is that funny fire whale, right?
    I sent my laptop in for repairs. It's taking longer than I thought and hasn't been fixed yet; originally I wanted to wait for a keyboard I was comfortable with, but it looks like that can't happen. I can probably manage this weekend.

    (Don't bother prefacing with "I hate to bother you".)
    Hey, so I was wondering if the DA Collab is going anywhere, or if it's dead. Iunno why I'm asking, I guess I just want to know how terrible my scratch spriting is.
    That's pretty cool. I may have to do that sometime.

    Oh yeah, shouldn't you get Kratos something for her birthday? =]o
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