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Karkat Vantas
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  • No, it doesn't take balls. It takes utter stupidity. Stealing from a well-known spriter... honestly, it wouldn't take long for him to get uncovered.

    On a side note, though, this person is amazing. Must watch.
    ED... I'm sorry, I suck with acronyms. :v Clarification please?
    Also FFFFFFFF- oh, don't tell me he stole even more stuff. Do you mind linking me to the original images of Shallamp and such?

    M'kay, got it~
    Ah, so... would you like it to be a 2 vs. 2 or a 3 vs. 3, including the rental Pokemon? :V

    My opinion? I hated him to start with. OCD is not a thing that you pretend to have and then flaunt, especially not in the manner he did it in. Add that with the supposed 'oops, I forgot I didn't make this spirte' charade and the recent Black Market thing... Ugh. Am I ever glad he got banned from ASB, which is the part of the forum I frequent most. :|
    Alright. I'll get to writing the arena description, then.

    Also, just a heads up, turns out I was wrong about the EXP distribution for double battles. It's an additional EXP for every Pokemon that's knocked out while your Pokemon is on the field.

    Finally, how many Pokemon do you want to be able to use? 3, including the rental Pokemon, is about the highest I'm willing to go.
    Dahhh, I totally didn't notice your other VM there. Yeah, Breloom is a god if you don't have anything to counter it. It swept my entire team easily on a bunch of occasions.

    Actually, I was planning to have a Battle Factory-esque arena - where we send out a Pokemon and pick our partner from a list of randomly-generated Pokemon. And since Snover gets Snow Warning, then there will be automatic hailstorms, I'm assuming? Of course I could always change the weather, but hey, weather-wars are always interesting.

    I think it's the same for single battles. 1 EXP for getting sent out, another point for every Pokemon you knock out.

    Alright, gives me more time to think about it. Also I'm definitely lurking in your battle with Typh now. Can't get me enought Explosions.
    Hey, Kam. I'm unbarred now, but I'm still thinking about the arena. I've got an idea in mind, but firstly, would you mind if our battle is to be a double battle?
    No, I pretty much want to hang onto everything in my party except the Plusle and Minun. Sorry.
    Good luck with that :>
    I'd buy the Swinub off you so you can get a Nidoran from the PRO, but I really do need to stop adding things I know I'll never use to my team.
    Oh, and another something: Since you live in new york, you probably have a copy of HG/SS, eh?

    ...Funnily enough, im the only one in my class(expect charmanpid) who's really into pokemon...T.T

    And how about you? Got friends that are interested in this stuff?
    ...And do your parents know about this MADNESS?

    And I should stop saying 'and'+asking questions.
    Kammozarus, please post your commands in FASBLICA's Beta test, for I'm out of patience(what it's been a few hours wtf).

    Anyway, anything new, supposedly 12 year old guy?
    P.S. About ASB: remember that sig move you wanted to give Envy? Would you like it if I tried to alter it a little so it would get approved(or at least try to)?
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