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  • I actually had the name of my country (at least one of its names) set as my location a while ago. It was Aotearoa. Start guessing.
    No, it's over. I actually changed the mock last night as well, but apparently the server error I got ate it.
    High school, college, they mean the same thing where I come from. Speaking of where I come from, I'm probably getting ridiculed because of the dumb add for the Pokewalker going around.
    I am in college. For me it's a big step up. I came from a country school of about 200 to a high school of about 2000.
    Yes, I have both, on Japanese one English. I've only just beat the whatever-steel gym leader.
    That's OK, I probably couldn't have done it anyway. 4-H? Cool.

    The cool thing about HGSS is that you don't need the national Pokedex to trade with other regions. Don't know if pearl'll work though.

    Friend code when I get to it. Which one of yours is which?
    630 sounds good, but we can't be screwing around. We may or may not have time for a battle, but we can voicechat if you want.

    P.S. You're Todadile will be an egg.
    Oh, that happened to me once, sort of. I shot a wall and it bounced back and hit my cousin.

    Battle, huh? Well, my Pokemon are about level 30, and don't have very stategic movesets, so... But yeah, tommorow sounds good.

    I know what you mean, (though not the gas station part). I mean, it'd be one thing if I lived in the suburbs, but it's not even that. It's... cornfields.

    Any time after five sounds good (from Easten standard time). So what is that for you, three?
    So when do you want to do it? I've got a Todadile.

    And would it be possible for you to send a leaf or dawn stone? I've been spending an excessive amount of time in the Pokeathon, and I'd like to leave.

    Oh, that's cool. I do a lot of that too, subtract the gun. If you don't mind me asking, where do you live? I'm in central Pennsylvienia.
    Sounds great, then, ready when you're ready. Though I'm afraid that I don't have anything really good to give you; something Jhoto specific, perhaps. And tell your friend that I applyad him for having this everlasting patience.

    Ref? Great! It's a fun job, really. Good luck, and be ready to get critical critisism. <_< But at any rate, you're writing style will improve.

    I've been canoing down the Susquhana with my dad a lot lately. What about you?
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