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  • Pennsylvania. Beat /that/. Or don't, because you can't.

    Well, why not embrace? Heck yeah, if that's your beliefs. It's really tiring, people wanting to not be called what they are.

    Or, you know, just don't go about parading your politcial beliefs around.
    In all honesty, so have I. Doesn't mean that I go around calling other people it, even if they are imaginary.

    And... why? Sounds silly.
    Potential offensiveness aside, it's just not funny or interesting and doesn't add anything of worth to the thread to go all "lol James is a gay retard".

    'Fraid not. But I've been following it very closely, via late nights and lattes.

    ...And really, please refrain from calling people 'gay retards'. I mean, yeah, I know you didn't mean anything bad, but you'll never find a more outspoken libreal forum online. Hell, half the people here are gay.
    Fine, but at least try not to say anything stupid this time. :/ You saw how your little gay retard thing nearly killed the thread for good.

    Remove the star.

    Sounds lovely. Watch as my strategy is superior to yours.

    Oh, and the scary thing is, we have a draft in the United States. It hasn't been used recently, but damn... we're all required to sign up when we are eighteen. Creepy, huh? So if there's some major war, we could just be plucked out of doing what we're doing and be sent to the military.

    School time now. Catch you later.

    Uh. I'm, um bored. Waiting for someone to e-mail me back. Shopping for a fadora. Writing an English essay. Designing a toiletry holder. Writing another essay about telemedicine.

    Did you know I'm already gettig letters asking me to join the marines? O.o
    Hello DGF, the masterful stalker.

    And sure, I will take the challenge. I want as many battles as I can get!

    And I'm fine right now. Pretty normal. Wishing my life was more interesting.
    hey! i posted a challange on the board, if your not too busy i would be greatful if you accepted.

    btw how are you?
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