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  • But it's the richest I've been since the starting forty-five!

    That, and any money at all makes me happy. :x
    That Magikarp is a prodigy. Using it's evolution's signature move. Cause in the anime Hyper Beam is all Gyarados ever uses.
    Actually, I was planning a Magikarp vs Magikarp metronome battle against Blackthorne.
    I know, I know.

    I just wanted to get some exp for Metang -> Metagross.

    Oh and thanks for taking the battle. Have a giant virtual thank you.
    Uh... wow. That's quite harsh. Not sure if going to that school would be good or bad for your university/college application: on one hand, if you pass, they'd be impressed, but if you failed thrice in a row then they'd probably chuck your application straight away.

    Isn't it like that for everyone? Motivation's a bitch.

    I guess it's just typical teenager angst, eh?
    Blah, chemistry. I never did do well on that unit. But (and I don't know if you guys have this unit over there), that electricity unit or whatever was worse.
    My school is very lenient though, so keeping a high-80s average is a cakewalk.

    Well, since you have to study soon, you'll find out in the near future, no? :P
    Well, I guess the pressure isn't on me as much, as I don't really need to study for math or French.

    Usually I manage to ref during the end of the semesters (during which exams and summatives take place), but it's a question of whether I'm on time or not. :P
    I know exactly what you mean. Even with exams and summatives looming over my head, and three reffings waiting to be typed, I have an urge to take another battle. It's an addiction.
    Now I just need to think why and how a Sneasel would make its daughter agree to a book full of promises and what good it could do me if he did.
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