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  • /jolts

    Don't touch that!--

    /outside the house, what seem to be makeshift wings made of bedsheets poof out, slowing down and stabilizing the house at the same time

    ...great. That was backup. /grumbles to himself
    Good. /slowly slides rope down and back to its place

    All right, skyscrapers. Umm.../glances at map

    That'll be a far way from here. Better drag you back up, I suppose. /does so

    ((holy shit yes
    I'd never heard Alejandro, so I wouldn't know. I still liked it though~

    Definitely not. XD
    /grabs you and pulls your rope thing up, getting you to face height

    Cursing will not be tolerated on this trip, do you understand, young man? /scary old man face

    ((...a-are we rping pixar things? cause if we are, my life would be made forever
    Yeah, his comedic strength lies in his ability to be awkward. Which he's good at. XD

    Yeah, that's what freaked me out.

    Oh, I hope so. I might have to replace my sig comment again.
    Wh- I couldn't actually drop you, you know, we still have to get you home to your mother. If you-and I do actually mean you- fell, it would not be of my concern. B|

    ...kekeke, they should and that's hilarious.

    (...when the hell did I start talking like Carl Fredricksen?
    I'd be all 'harrumph harrumph harrumph I am fulfilling my dead wife's dreams go away :|" (Remember that part where Russell was hanging outside the house in the air from a bedsheet, and then fell? The daydream? I still find it funny.)

    Dress? O:
    ...can I be Carl? I wanna be a Cool Old Guy and fly off in a house. But if you're my waifu and Carl lost his wife, does this mean you die of old age? D:

    Ohhh my god ;w; That is beautiful! I know somehow had an Up wedding, there are pictures on the internet of two newlyweds, effectively being Real Life young!Carl and Ellie.

    Well yeah, but you still have to build your left arm from scratch cause it blew up. Are you a bad enuff dude to do it?
    ...was your ex's name Kevin? Cause the bird's named Kevin, so kekeke.

    It was very sweet, Ellie and Carl's (old guy) relationship ;w;

    B-but then you'd be a short middle aged slightly crazy guy! Without a left arm! D: (Although technically you would rebuild it back in Texas before you went off shooting guys, but yeah!) Do you really want that? *shot*
    Old Man is Mister Fredricksen (spelling's likely off) and Dug's the dog.

    Unless you mean the bad guy old man, he's Muntz. The beginning made me tear up. I couldn't cry though, little cousins there and I must keep being manry >:x

    Ehehehe, yeah. To be exact, my Red Engie. He's really short, and is on RED and--yanno what I'll quit being lame now! :D (although the mental image of Up!Russell and little overalls and a hardhat is...kinda funny. :3)

    (( Aww D: It takes time, dear~
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