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  • Oooh. Idea.

    Icould accumulate all these ideas into a big banner, instead of an avatar...
    Well, wouldn't they be a little big?

    I suppose I could attempt to scratch a very small Gardevoir, actually...
    Actually, my idea so far for a Christmas one is an Abomasnow decorated like a Christmas tree (WITH A STARMIE ON TOP), and something dressed as Santa.
    Mmm. I'll probably make an extra-speshul avatar for other seasonal holidays.
    No idea...

    Um... something along the lines of 'You know, you could have edited the post and used backspace' in an attempt to be all clever.
    Well, they should've changed it too. Even if they ARE like thousands of miles away and even if it is just about impossible for them to be impacted by our social and linguistic changes when they are an entirely separate culture.

    I wore makeup last night.
    Yes, but we invented the language. Or ripped it off from all those other languages. We can do whatever we want with it.
    Unfortunately I did not...

    It was in the Sun if that helps, maybe you can find it on their website. (Incidentally I don't choose the papers we buy and I wasn't looking at the porn.)

    (Coupled with the message below this also looks kinda awful.)
    And then they take his trousers down and... *shudder*

    I did NOT want to envision that penis. I'm going to have nightmares >_<

    (This is officially the dodgiest profile visitor message ever.)
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