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Leaf Joltik
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  • Yep! And, to ask a question that Mini Moonwalker has stated, do you enjoy reading the warriors series? I have the 1st book in the second set, and all of them in the third set! I only have one from the newest series though! (the books are that popular!) :3
    I found another avatar! yay! And, to not kill the spirit of Crazy Latias, I put her in my signature! Crazy Latias says, "YAY!"
    Oh no I came late! X3 Maybe I can use that one, but edit it, and still give credit to you're friend on that. Do you know what the username for them is so I can gie them credit for the original sprite! Meow! Lepardas is a awesome pokemon too!
    Oh, sorry for not replying! I had to get to bed~
    Meow~ :3

    Hey, have you read the Warriors Series?
    Hey Lepardas! Welcome to the forums. I skimmed your page and I have to say, I agree with the others who like your avatar. It's awesome! :)
    xD Exactly. All of the Zelda games are fun even if they don't make sense. And Link is green so it makes it that much better~
    It's just...adorable. x3
    Well I don't have a Zelda buddy yet so yeah. :3 The ones on the DS are so fuun~
    Hello, once again, welcome to the forums! I love your avatar as well, it's very cute!
    Hello! I have followed you to you're profile! *gasp!* I would like to welcome you again, and I absolutely LOVE you"re avatar!!!
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