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  • UHM


    hoooorrai! i luff jyu two :D n ur welcum =3=

    Oh, no problem! I know... (it's gotten kinda serious between me and her, y'know...)

    Yeah. it really sucks being shy.

    *hug* like the crusades. those weren't nice. *hug*

    Possibly. or to encourage exercise. </Yeah.AndSocialNetworkingAndStuff.>
    *whips you instead*
    Foolish fool whose foolery is too foolish to fool anyone into thinking they are not a foolish fool.
    Eh, it's just standard "hey wait we can make people pay £40 to wave their arms about a bit" material, but my sister likes it c:

    ooooOOOooooh i rilly dunnnt? 0w0 wel den i ges is gud I givd u dat remindr! <3

    Meh, I've never completed a project to the point of high quality and no bugs but thank you anyway. (VERY MUCH SO INDEED MADAM)

    That's good, I still can barely draw but computer graphics I'm quite good at. Still can't wait to see the end result.

    weww ogei den :D I sorreh fer bugin ya D:

    Ew. Homework. But ziti is so gooooodddd~ How did you mess up? xD

    Jacksonville goes HISSSSSSSSSSS

    Presents are awesome. :D Same, but occasionally something I'm sure I'll *really like* I forget about a month later. xD

    But math is so number-y~ ^^ I hate taking notes in History, though, because I'm horrible at summarizing and end up almost rewriting the chapter. :D We're learning about Ancient Greece now. xD

    I have never seen snow before. :O FLORIDA AND YOUR NOT-SNOWING. Did you hear about the thing that said that Florida was the only state that didn't snow this week? xD Snow is cold. :P


    Ahhh at my school, each teacher has a sort of website/webpage thing. Some of them go crazy and tell their students to CHECK IT EVERY DAY AND GET PRIZES SOMETIMES. Some...not so much.

    It depends on what you like, I guess. It sort of doesn't take itself seriously and makes fun of the characters but it's really funny and has awesome (awesome? more like *SUPER AWESOME* xD) music.

    Uhh...weekly response! :D
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