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  • TG: oh wait
    TG: somethings up here
    TG: I see how it is
    TG: do you ever wonder
    TG: why we stopped talking like this
    TG: i did
    TG: but not for long
    TG: cause im kinda talking like it now
    TG: thats funny
    TG: its pretty fucking ironic
    TG: if you know what i mean
    Well, you've met someone. I read so much, I've probably wasted a full month just reading. and I'm not done yet.

    Well, i'm in the middle of homework. I have to reasearch for a debate, and study fo an essay that my class voted for. which means I have to write it tommorow as opposed to next tuesday. ugh. Good luck! you guys should do great.
    I feel like I'm drifting away from my friends here... I'm glad I can still find time to get on every now and then but still, it doesn't seem like enough. Anyway (never truly depressed), I have a favour to ask of you. I'll send the details in a PM soon.

    Also have fun RPing.
    o(aww. D: get on a computer?)o
    ;3 Aww. You shouldn't. :c ...deep scratches 8D (Yes, but it sorta makes you adorable, so it's nothing bad)

    On occasion, yes.
    o(shoot it)o
    ;3 Mehh. It's okayy. :3 Could have? I did hurt myself xD Only scratches thoughh. (mehh. there's worse xD)
    ;3 Not too far off. xD OH IT WAS SO COOL I jumped off a building today and landed flat on my back in bushes 8D
    I watched the epic flash video at the end of act four, and when that image popped up, I stopped the video, pressed print screen. and copied it into paint. then, I croppped it, and voila.
    ;3 I'm very childish for my age xD Yay! I just won't notify you of any freerunning that we may be doing on top of large stadiums or anything like that.
    Well, it was up like yesterday, so, you'd not have seen it unless you're keeping up.
    ;3 That's childish not idiotic. xD I play around with things all the timee. I will not learn if I get hurt again. Because I got hurt today x3

    And yes, I did. :3
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