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  • Cool! I'm just at the part where he looks at the calendar. I'm trying to read and write roles at the same time.

    I'm just working on writing the roles first. I have no roles for you yet. :(
    I only have six roles left, and two of them are already on paper!

    How many roles do you have typed up?
    Mhmm. I'm rooting for you! (But not going to cheat, sorry.) I've never read Homestuck, actually... I think I'm gonna go read it now. Also, I already joined, so it might be a bit unfair to know in advance what the roles are...

    EDIT: HA HA I finally have a few roles done! (Six, actually.)

    [Same. But my friends think this is weird too:

    GC: 4ND L1ST3N TO YOU BL33D WH1L3 1 SM3LL YOU D13]
    Good point.

    [I'm trying to get my friends to read Homestuck. One looked it up on Google Images and found this image. He probably won't read it. Another hasn't checked his email in ~1 week.]
    Goodnight, Silvy. I had a rough night. I got in a fight with my parents and got kicked off the computer. I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner. Hopefully this should fix itself by the morning...

    Goodnight, Silvy. Love you. *hugs*
    Hey! :D Cobra Sting just said he wants to join (in PM, so I guess he hasn't joined the usergroup yet?) so once he joins we're officially ready! I better work on the PMs.
    I will find out what you're talking about later.

    If I'm already dead, I'm going to be so mad.

    Today, I put up with too much crap from everywhere else.

    That sentance confuses me. :P, I've been working on those for the other gym leaders and Elite four, it gets a bit hard to come up with last names after a while but it helps me wrap my head around the characters when I write them. I do that for every character I've ever made. Thus why I enjoy Rping, it's good practice.

    That's fair. But I've proceeded a bit with my fanfic, given a personality to the larvitar (a bit insane and maniacle in battle. As in taking down an Onix by hurling boulders at its head then biting it) but yeah that's just what I do.
    But before I thought they had only alignment... Yeah, they just can't have EVERYTHING. ONLY MUFFLED SCREAMING FOR ME :/ (AAHH HELP ME I'M TIED UP AND CAN ONLY YELLLLLLL) Well, everyone's leaving and stuff. I left it open for Icestar and Sunny, if you want to play him too. And yeah... I should try to help those...
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