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  • It fits now!

    ...And now I'm kind of confused again. I really am stupid, aren't I.
    Hi. So I've put up pictures of myself and my puppy and family, if you want to see 'em. Also, I'm starting a project. I am going to post a thread containing several walkthroughs of different kinds of pixel art. It's not there yet, though. Just thought I'd tell you about it~
    Yay for the game mafia! :]

    Also I just read the recap now it isn't so confusing anymore!
    You guys can see me on the album :D Isn't that great? I don't actually know what I look like anymore...so it's nice when I see pics of me!
    sprained my ankle, cut my wrist(ACCIDENTALLY), scratched my face and ripped my shirt.
    landings really really suck when there's nothing but concrete and grass.
    I haave to write an essay next week, not lookking forward to that. Damn, I got a cold from my little sister three weeks ago that won't go away. I hope it does, I just signed up for an RP that looked good.

    Good luck, Blade might have his done by monday.
    I'm fairly good, made it to the weekend at last. That's too bad, I hope you get to feel better soon. I'm working on getting active here again because my homework died down a bit.

    Right, how are you going with the character sheet?
    Hai! Just saying some stuff that I got myself into...
    -I'm in the ASB
    -The sprite shop of mine is nice and busy
    -I kicked out Wargle
    -I'm going to open a seperate banner shop
    -I started Homestuck

    On the english names, I really don't like tepig, and really I don't like any of the english names all that much. Yes, daikenki is very epic.

    It's a lot easier that way.
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