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  • There. Now either eat the other one or throw it to an orphan.

    I agree he is the better of the two.
    I'm scanning the file for viruses for your convienence. It slows the computer down the first 2 times I used it...sorry if I seem to be acting stupid.
    Twilight you're on :DDDD I downloaded the Pesterchum too! I could help you download it and change the chumhandle if you'd like :3 If you already downloaded it, then my name is aquaMarina. Or if you haven't, here's the link for the download. Just ask me questions. Sorry if this was...odd. But I really want to chat! I talked to Markku yesterday.
    Lucky, this is just the first time I have to write it.

    Fair enough, I look forward to it. Same thing happens to me all the time.

    Then word it badly, If you manage to get your ideas down then it's easier to write them well. Or at least that helps me.
    You are the Hunter of Breath in the Land of Circuitry and Shade.
    Your chumHandle is temporalTrickster

    But I rigged it ;3
    end of this week. I'm also going to be busy playing white because OMG I GOT WHITE AFDKAFDKLA NDFKAJ NKL JNKLDFNHKAJSFK J EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah... but I don't think I could ever narrow my choices down that much.

    What kind of blotches? Like a thin, oddly colored line? That happened once, and I think it was something leaking. It's not covered under normal warranties I think, if that's what you're wondering.
    Nice, I got about 63 at my highest. Nah, the original is amrked not the second, She needs me to handwrite it anyway.

    Ok, that'd be today?

    Same goes for my fanfic. I had a similar problem and eventually forced myself to work.
    I didn't get past the first book, sadly. Also, I'm going to be going to bed shortly. I'm sorry for being so inactive, I've just been very busy. By next week, I should have some free time.

    goodnight. Sorry about not being active.
    :3 Speaking of helpfulness, Vriska keeps fainting and is generally being unhelpful. :/

    ... :( I hope she helps! I had to bug my mother to buy me a new DS.
    There's a section on it on the main site. In humour. But yeah, i was mainly thinking of posting a bullying thread on serious business. It's unfortunate that there are so many teen suicides these days... :(
    Okay! :)

    I just decided not to spend Christmas money. How much do you have?
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