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  • Oh, by the way, are you taking sprite requests now? Or is your shop still close? o:
    Yep, yep! d-^w^-b
    Too bad I could only find it online with the price being about $20- and that is without shipping & handling. D8

    Mmhmm. There's more to it but I'm not in the mood to go into details today. xD;
    Yeah, a Buizel coin purse! 8D

    Oh, well, if I didn't like Buizel in the first place a series of events would have never occurred; that is to say, if I didn't like Buizel, I never would've written Pokémon fanfiction and met a friend who happens to be a TCoD member; I never would've joined TCoD; and most importantly I never would've met my best friend on here. In essence, Buizel is a symbolic icon to me as it's a reminder of how I met my best friend, my first love interest. ♥♥♥

    Oh, I did not know that. :O
    BUT did you know I'm a wolf pretending to be human? ;D
    Oh, that sucks. D8

    Well, my favorite is Buizel! Gotta love the Buibui, yes yes? I even have a Buizel coin purse to show just how much I love the pocket monster. Cx
    Also- and not to sound corny- aside from the design of it, Buizel also happens to have a deep symbolic appreciation in my heart as well. <3 If it weren't for this orange otter, my life would have definitely been a whole lot different.


    'Kay. :)


    Yeah, I tried to access it earlier and it said it was under maintenance. :/ Looking on Bulbapedia says it gives you points for just about everything, like watering berries. Apparently you can see your points on your profile, but I never knew that. :o
    Well, why not visit your best friend at his or her place?

    That's good to hear. C:
    Now let's try to forget about this. I mean, thinking about it all the time is no fun at all. So, um... what's your favorite Pokémon by the way? 8D
    I left a space open in my party for Zekrom through the entire Elite Four.
    I have just beaten N on my neglected copy of Pokemon White during a long school field trip.
    Oh yeah, I remember reading up on something about an online school in Massachusetts while on the plane heading to Louisiana. The idea sounds very interesting although my main concern about it is the physical human interaction; I mean, without that it may retard one's social skills or even develop it in an abnormal manner. I'm not entirely sure if this cyberschooling is a good thing or not, though I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the future holds.....

    Also, I read your thread in the CC section. I would reply to it but the people in that thread have already pretty much said what I wanted to say anyway. Pay attention to their advice, okay? To briefly reinforce their messages, it's not a solution and if you were to really go through with it, all that would be left is regret. In any case, we're here to help out and listen to whatever problems you may have.
    Well, I don't either, but at least you did now!


    Yeah. It's just it feels more personal if I comment by VM or PM, and also if I post there I might end up talking about myself, which is stupid because my problems are nothing compared to yours.


    Oh, cool! I'm pretty sure the Dream World is under maintenance today, but maybe we could become Dream Pals or something later! There isn't really much to do in the Dream World without any friends on it, plus I have no dream points and I'm not sure how to get them. Do you know how you earn them?
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