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  • Yeah, it's rare to see a movie that makes me sad.

    I'm sure most of TCoD is hoping.





    It is quite a good/sad movie one of the few that have drawn me to sadness. There are three at this point.

    :D I really hope you can get over your depression, You are quite the ten year old and this world would be sad to lose you.





    I'm really sorry. No one should have to put up with an abusive parent, especially not someone as young and as awesome as you. You're worth way more than that.
    It's a movie about a girl from a while ago who ran away from an abusive father. But that's not the part I'm talking about. It's the part where she meets three people and one of them is a little... abnormal to say the least. They tell her that the strange one once had a twin sister and they shared everything. Then the sister died and the remaining one took on the weight of the world, sorta like how you pick up sadness from other people. I think she calmed down by writing things on pieces of paper and putting them into a stone wall. Not so easy to do that these days, most people have diaries but those are still not very private. Blah. So I tell my friends about my problems, it helps a lot because I get deppressed every now and then.

    ...Thank you. I..I (-o-) I..I





    I just read your "Grr" thread, and I
    MUST GIVE YOU ADVICE. (Even though I am the worst at it.)

    Tell your mom about your thoughts.
    When your dad`s not there. From what I read, he`s an a**. If you think
    he`ll take it well, then go for it.
    Don`t intervine in their fights when they start hitting. When they`re just fighting in the word department, then I guess you can try.
    Lastly, PLEASE DONT COMMIT SUICIDE. We all like you, and you`re so bubbly. ^_^
    ~Sonic Rainboom
    Something you said reminds me of a movie I watched a while ago. Ever seen 'The Secret Life of Bees'?
    ._ ____ _.
    / (::,,::) \





    He has a nose!
    I read the thread. That's what the '0H MY' was for.
    I'm always here to rant to if the stress get's too much. (Just reminding you. It really does help you to feel better.)




    Have a break, Have a KitKat.


    Please don't kill yourself. Please. Everybody at tCoD loves you.


    We are your second family.

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