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  • Dave and Mia watch Butterfree create Dave And Mia watch Buterfree.

    Interesting paradox.
    I'll get the book, but I'm not much a one for TV or movies. Probably will Youtube the one particular trick when it's not super late and I have other things I should be doing.
    Not at all! I think I saw them once on The West Wing. And maybe a couple minutes of them guest-appearing on various other shows once or twice in my life. I remember a trick involving a cement mixer filled with bricks? Other than that, I got nothing. :P
    You... you think of everything. Just as I think "hey why don't Dave and Mia watch glue dry or water boil" you write about them watching paint dry.

    It turns out the local library actually has a copy of How to Play in Traffic. Should I be excited?
    Hey my mafia game is dying, it is okay to cut a game off early right? I mean the mafia are literally the only people sending in anything.
    Uhhh, perpetually-in-development but in that it proceeds very slowly, but very slowly in the sense that progress is probably best measured on a geological timescale. I poked around the Café a bit, and oh man, did I forget how utterly insane the things people post there can get.

    That's too bad. Because for sure does that thread need some cleanup... at the least the first post could stand to be fixed up to be less random.

    Sure, I can get that wrapped up. The next couple of days will be pretty busy, but I'll get it done this weekend. And no need to apologize; it's given me plenty of time to slack. :P
    Well, he used to be called masterwannabe... it looks like the forum ate his old stuff! (Or perhaps he deleted them himself.) He apparently plagiarized some of Kiyohime's stuff and got called on it, so he kind of vanished for a while and came back with a name change, but I think some of his work post-dated that episode. //Dead Links\\ and //¤// G. A. T. E. \\¤\\ - It Begins... are two of his more (relatively, this is like 2006) recent works, so the title formatting might give you an indication of the style he was trying to imitate. :P From what I can see his writing isn't as bad as I remember, though he did have a bit of a comma addiction ("The sound of the waves rolling up onto the beach, helped to provide a kind of surreal atmosphere, aided immensely by the fact that the water had an orange-red tint, but that’s only the minor details. Near the water lay two teenagers, either one staring with dead eyes into the night sky, a beautiful, cloudless, star-filled sky marred by a long crimson cut that spanned well past the horizon.") and general overemphasis on description. Nothing as excruciating as what Ryano Ra, Pyrokean Serafoculus et al put out, though; I must have gotten him confused with one of them, which is unfortunate for him! (Although that luxray simile of his that you pointed out definitely got a chuckle out of me.)

    Aww, thank you! :D I probably should get back to posting more there; it makes it easier to come up with articles for my perpetually in-development fanfiction web site. I just haven't really been feeling the pokémon fanfic thing for a bit.

    Wasn't Psychic trying to do some huge reorganization of AAA? Whatever happened to that?
    Oh man, I didn't realize that huge review you mentioned a little while ago was for Draco Malfoy! It looks like he's improved a bit, but oh, man, I remember when he used to be totally incomprehensible. XD

    Also, you linked my old description post! I am still unreasonably fond of that thing. Wants to make me get back in the Author's Café and tl;dr it up like old times...
    I loved it. I'm not a huge fan of Nine, but I loved those episodes. Eleven sort of had a Nine moment in Day of the Moon relating to sonic screwdrivers.

    "The last time I was sentenced to death, I ordered four hyper-vodkas for my breakfast. All a bit of a blur after that... I woke up in bed with both of my executioners. Lovely couple, they stayed in touch! Can't say that about most executioners."
    "I like bananas, bananas are good!"

    Love the quotes from "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances" LOVE that episode. "Are you my mummy?"
    Oh, I definitely know what you mean there--one of the primary reasons I've never found any of the online pokémon games interesting is that I like the battling pretty much above all, and all the battle systems I've seen people come up with suck. I'm just always curious about what kinds of things people are trying to implement in terms of online pokémon games. I had no idea GPX+ was doing that now; smart of them. But yes, boo crummy simplified battle system.
    Ooh, what's the online pokémon game you were grumbling about on your tumblr?
    Wow soo .... I was wondering if you would like to be my friend? Because your so nice, a SUPER POKEMON and a administrator.
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