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  • Ah, alright. I'll just hang on using Dewgong for now.

    Hm. May I ask where yours is from, just because it works perfectly in all areas. and if it's from a source that has the others? My avatar is now an animated Mew sprite, but doesn't animate nor is it transparent (for reasons that you probably states) in my profile and VMs.
    Aah, adding a thing onto the below. Forget editing. :x

    I noticed it is transparent in posts but not VMs; hence my reaction = ???.

    Using Safari for iPod Touch, just to clarify.
    Also, when do you plan on uploading the broken images in Bachuru style to the forum's server? It's a really adorable style and I love it, but the broken images bug me really badly and give me the "this is absolutely unfinished" idea.

    It's also the only style that suits my eyes perfectly; Minimal Dewgong is what I usually use, but all the others are a trifle too dark for me.

    This is somewhat going over my head; would you take the time to extract the code?
    Hello! I was reading your HTML table tutorial for signatures and was wondering how I could get a sprite on the fringe of the box like yours.
    hey quick question: is there any reason why the Mafia section was locked?
    You make such intelligent posts.

    (why didn't I notice that a bit longer ago.)

    Well, you are Butterfree, the one who I searched for a picture in a Behind the Avtar thread for forty five minutes for an unknown reason...
    Ohhhh... huh, I could have sworn it was turned off earlier. In any case, why not disable it and save the overhead of calling those hooks, if it's to no purpose?
    So, the "Who Has Read a Thread" plugins have all been reactivated, but the actual list still isn't appearing? I just noticed that and was curious what was up.
    Sorry just checking, I've been on sites where stuff like this can piss an admin off. Well, ok then. :P
    Say, hover menus and images that change when hovered; ideally, pre-caching of these images, but it's fine if that's not okay.
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